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Gem Elixir Apothecary and Virtual Soul Journey's Ritual Kits are here to help you cultivate enlightened states of being.

Gem Elixirs are made to be taken daily, to help bring you clarity, strength, hope, and more.

Become empowered with our Healing Soul Kits that give you the tools to move through anxiety, fear, depression and more.

A little bit about Gem Elixir Apothecary's high vibration elixirs

Each gem elixir is made with Love, Noble Elite Shungite charged water and a touch of Brandy as a preservative. For each stone in the elixir, the quartz capture method was used to ensure that each elixir is safe to drink without the worry of heavy metals entering the body. Using homeopathic rules for elixir making, each elixir is made with 3x the strength of the Mother elixir for each stone, making them very high vibration elixirs.

Once each blend is intuitively created, they are placed on gold leaf in the sun's energy for a day to make sure they are supercharged and ready to be used.The best way to take elixirs is to squeeze one drop of the elixir into your mouth as many times throughout the day you can remember. Carry your elixir with you in your pocket/purse and place it on your nightstand to ensure this happens.

Each time to take the elixir, it is like your spirit is being brushed gently with the frequency of the elixir, which will shift your vibrational field in time. You will know when you are done taking the elixir when you forget to take it for a few days in a row. Your vibration is now aligned with the vibration of the elixir.

**The gemstones pictured do not actually come with the elixir.**

A little bit about Virtual Soul Journey's Kits

Healing Soul Kit

The healing power of all five elements is within this kit.
Each box contains:
Ceramic Dish
Palo Santo
Crystal Healing Garden with 3 gemstones intuitively picked for you
Eye Mask
Guide Book
Bonus Cards

Feng Shui Home Kit

Learn to move energy in your home for Love, Abundance and Romance
Each Box Contains:
Sage Bundle
Tibetan Prayer Flags
Single Tone Chime
Double-Terminated Quartz Points
Salt Water Cure